My first name is Joana , and my surname is Marreiros . I’m thirteen years old . I’m from Cuba , a small town in the south of Portugal , so I’m Portuguese. I live with my parents, my grandmother and my dog . I do ballroom dance in Capricho Bejense. I love to dance. My birthday is on May the first .
I am a taurus (the Bull).
Acording to my sign, I am strong calm and good humared. Sometimes, I am very angry. I try to lose my head. I like to work and I love my home. I am realist, practical and intelligent. My lucky number is four. My lucky colour is light blue. My lucky day is Friday. My favourite metal is Copper and my favourite stone is Sapphire.
I think my sign says the true about me because I’m strong , calm, good humored , I like to work and my home . I’m realist, practical and intelligent too. The only thing wrong with my sign is my favourite colour . My favourite colour is pink and not light blue.
Joana Marreiros 8ºA Nº13 - (
Galera, It's your time! Apresente-se no "ENTRE ALUNOS"
6 comentários:
My name is Allan and my name is Ahmed. I was fifteen. I'm from Brazil, the city of Chapadão of Heaven, I live with my parents, eupratico swimming, my birthday is on May 19.
do not understand much of the sign, but mine is the bull, do not like to study hard, my lucky number is seven, is the favorite color vermeho. I humorous!
My Heart will Go On
Céline Dion
every night in my dreams I see you,i feel you,that is wow i know you go on.
far across the distance and spaces between us
you have come to show you go on.
near, far, wherever you are.
i believe that the heart does go on.
once more, you open the door
and you're here in my heart.
and my heart will go on and on.
love can touch us one time and last for a lifetime.
and never let go till we're gone.
love was when i loved you, one true time i hold to
in my life we'll always go on.
near, far, wherever you are.
i believe that the heart does go on.
once more, you open the door
and you're here in my heart.
and my heart will go on and on.
you're here, there's nothing i fear.
and i know that my heart will go on.
we'll stay forever this way.
you are safe in my heart.
and my heart will go on and on.
meu nome é thais e meu sobrenome Rodrigues e Batista, tenho 13 anos de idade, sou de mineiros moro com meu pai meu irmao e minha faço natação e tennis.meu aniversário é dia sete em Outubro.
eu sou libriana
Não meu signo diz que sou bastante Equilibrada, que sou muito indecisa, que faço amizades rapidemente, e que eu gosto sempre de ser um líder. A minha cor marrom.mas hoje é como minhas preferidas sao preto:, roxo e branco.
Acho q meu signo realmente fala a verdade pq sou exatamente igual ao que ele diz ...
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